The Fish Ticket

May 2, 2024

With the finalization of federal management of Cook Inlet's EEZ (more on that below), drift permits are getting more interest. We sold a Cook Inlet drift permit at $24,000 this week and have an offer of $25,000. Our lowest asking price is $27,500. EMTs are in the mid $4,000 range, with a current offer of $4,250 and a listing at $4,500. For Bristol Bay, drift permits are...
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The Fish Ticket

April 25, 2024

Well, this is a long time coming. For the past two years we've been working on a pair of digital courses on Alaska's commercial fishing industry: Zero to Deckhand and Captain's Course. We truly believe that knowledge is power, and we built these courses to equip current and aspiring fishermen with the knowledge and tools for success. Why learn the hard way if you...
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The Fish Ticket

April 11, 2024

Bristol Bay drift permits are leasing at $14,000 this week. There are quite a few listed, and we have current offers of up to $14,000. Our highest offer to purchase a Bristol Bay drift permit is $135,000. Cook Inlet drift permits still aren't moving much, but we leased one at...
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The Fish Ticket

April 5, 2024

Bristol Bay drift permits are still hanging out in the $130,000-$135,000 range. We have a current offer of $135,000. Cook Inlet drift permits aren't moving much, as fishermen are still waiting to see what happens at next month's hearing. Cook Inlet setnet permits are at $14,500 this week. Lots of...
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The Fish Ticket

March 28, 2024

The permit market looks about the same as last week. Check out that report here, and find new updates below. CFEC is planning to make PWS pot shrimp a limited entry fishery in the near future. Here is a link to a meeting they held earlier this week (password is LVZ+N6RC) and here are the draft proposed regs. These will be published for public comment soon. Also in CFEC news, the Entry Commission is working...
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This Week's Fish News

March 24, 2024

Worried about halibut bycatch? The Halibut Defense Group is intervening in a lawsuit to enforce trawl bycatch reductions. In a March 5 response to the suit, NOAA said that the Groundfish Forum, who filed the suit, failed to exhaust administrative remedies and has no claim. Regardless, it'll be fought out...
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Permits & State Fisheries

March 24, 2024

Bristol Bay drift permits are moving steadily around the $130,000 mark, and EMTs are starting to kick off with leases at $14,000-$15,000. Bristol Bay set net EMTs are going for $8,500. Southeast power troll permits are hanging out around $18,000-$20,000. Cook Inlet drift sales have slowed down as...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

March 24, 2024

The quota market is pretty active, with most of the action in 3A. Buyers are taking advantage of some of the lowest IFQ prices in years. The price for 3A unblocked is hanging out right around the $30.00 mark. For fun, that same quota was selling for $66.00 in 2017... Meanwhile, opening dock prices...
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Permits & State Fisheries

February 15, 2024

The first Cook Inlet EMT of the season leased at $3,350 this week, and we have a posted offer of $2,500, as well as an offer to purchase at $23,500. We have a new offer of $8,000 for a Bristol Bay set net lease. Interest in Bristol Bay permits remains steady, and we're seeing new interest in Chignik seine permits...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

February 15, 2024

3A halibut is selling rapidly, with the price for unblocked quota settling in around the $30.00 mark. We have current offers of $30.00 for unblocked 3A - if you're interested in selling, give us a call! Southeast unblocked sold this week for $7.75, down slightly from recent sales at $8.00. We're seeing some increased interest in...
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This Week's Fish News

February 15, 2024

Last week, the Halibut Defense Alliance filed a motion to intervene alongside NMFS in the lawsuit brought by the Amendment 80 trawl sector against Amendment 123, abundance based management (ABM) of halibut bycatch in the Bering Sea. The Alliance comprises 12 parties: Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association, Fishing Vessel Owners' Association, North Pacific...
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Permits & State Fisheries

February 9, 2024

Offers are starting to come in for EMTs across the state. Interest in Bristol Bay was slower this week, our highest current offer is $120,000 and our lowest asking price is $132,000. The market for troll permits continues to be surprisingly steady, with hand troll permits at $8,000 and power troll permits at $20,000...
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This Week's Fish News

February 9, 2024

American Seafoods' Western Alaska Community Grant Board is accepting applications from Kodiak Island, Aleutian and Pribilof Islands, the Western Alaska Penninsula, Bristol Bay, Lower Kuskokwim River, Lower Yukon, and Norton Sound through March 25, 2024...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

February 9, 2024

We’re seeing increased interest in 3A halibut IFQ, especially unblocked quota. Buyers are taking advantage of some of the lowest prices we’ve seen in years, with unblocked moving at $29.00 to $30.00 a pound while the price for blocked quota has settled in around the $24.00 mark. Not much interest in other...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

February 1, 2024

IFQ activity has certainly stirred back to life, largely concentrated in 3A sales. Last week saw quite a bit of unblocked 3A move around $29.00-$30.00. Our lowest asking price for unblocked 3A is $30.00 and our highest offer is $28.00, cash. This week, blocked 3A C class sold between $23.00-$23.75, and we have an offer of $23.00...
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This Week's Fish News

February 1, 2024

Trident listed their Diamond NN support facility in Naknek for sale with an asking price of $1 million. What is the pelagic trawl performance standard? Why is it effectively unenforceable? And why does it matter? Turns out, those aren't super straightforward questions, but they're definitely worth asking. Washington-based seafood processor Keyport announced that it will...
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Permits & State Fisheries

February 1, 2024

Permit interest remains steady this week. Cook Inlet set net permits jumped from $12,000 last week to $14,000 this week. Power troll permits increased slightly from $19,500 last week to $20,000 this week. Interest in Bristol Bay drift permits remains steady in the $130,000-$135,0000 range, with lease prices just starting...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

January 26, 2024

The IFQ market is also starting to wake back up. Last week, before the numbers were announced, 3ACU was selling between $29.00 and $30.00 on 2024 TAC. In the black cod world, there were a few sales of SECU at $8.00 on 2024 TAC last week...
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This Week's Fish News

January 26, 2024

I missed a couple weeks and we have some catching up to do, so bear with me! In what seems like a rare nugget of good news these days, the Supreme Court said "hard pass" to the Dunleavy Administration's request to overturn the EPA’s veto of Pebble Mine. The commercial fishing vessel 'Alaska Rose' is presumed to have sunk after taking on water near Chiniak on Sunday. Three crew were rescued...
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Permits & State Fisheries

January 26, 2024

Recent permit sales include Bristol Bay drift at $133,000, on par with recent sales, Area M setnet at $31,000, Alaska power troll at $19,500, and Cook Inlet setnet at $12,000. We have quite a few new offers, including $132,000 for Bristol Bay drift, $48,000 for Bristol Bay setnet...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

January 5, 2024

The IFQ market is also starting to wake back up. 3A unblocked is selling at $29.00 on 2024 TAC, and we have a standing offer of the same. Interested in selling? Give us a call! The IPHC Annual Meeting is in Anchorage January 22-26. This is when the TAC and season dates will be set, management proposals will be addressed, and we'll hear...
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This Week's Fish News

January 5, 2024

Following the Biden Administration's EO tightening restrictions on imports of Russian origin seafood, the pollock industry is optimistic about the year ahead. But, the effects of the ban may take a while to materialize and prices for A season are still unsettled...
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Permits & State Fisheries

January 5, 2024

The permit market is considerably more active than it was this fall. Sales this week included Cook Inlet drift at $25,500, up from the last sale at $25,000, Kodiak Tanner to 60' at $42,500, and hand troll at $8,000. We have quite a few new listings and price adjustments this...
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This Week's Fish News

December 28, 2023

Terry Haines with Kodiak Daily Mirror has a good, albeit not at all uplifting, writeup on the 2023 fishing season here. After much lobbying from the industry, President Biden signed an executive order last week closing the loophole that had been allowing Russian-origin seafood into the US. Alaska processors, harvesters, politicians, and government officials are touting this as a major win, despite concerns from some...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 28, 2023

IFQ cost recovery fees have been posted to eFish accounts and are due by January 31, 2024. These fees can no longer be paid by check - they must be paid by credit card or bank transfer. RAM doesn't process quota transfers between January 1 and the issuance of 2024 IFQ permits. If you have any last minute transfers you want completed before year's end, be sure to submit your...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 28, 2023

Bristol Bay drift permits continued to hang out at $132,000 this week. Following ADFG's "strong" forecast at Chignik, our lowest asking price is now $85,000 for a Chignik seine permit. ADFG announced a GHL for Sitka herring of 81,246 tons, noting it's...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 22, 2023

Not much in the way of IFQ news this week. The IFQ fishery ended on the 7th and fishermen can expect IFQ cost recovery fees to be posted by the end of the month. Fees are due by January 31. For a recap of the December NPFMC...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 22, 2023

Bristol Bay drift permits popped back up above $130,000 this week with a sale at $131,000, up from last week's sale at $128,000 (but down from the week prior at $132,000). Our highest current offer is now $115,000. Cook Inlet permits continued to move at $25,000 this week; our highest posted offer...
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This Week's Fish News

December 22, 2023

The Groundfish Forum sued NMFS on Tuesday, challenging the newly implemented Abundance Based Management (ABM) of halibut bycatch. The Groundfish Forum, which represents Amendment 80 groundfish bottom trawlers, claims the new rule is unfair...
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This Week's Fish News

December 14, 2023

Trident Seafoods announced plans to sell four of its 12 shoreside processing plants (False Pass, Kodiak, Petersburg, and Ketchikan), and sell or close the Naknek Diamond NN cannery and its facility in Chignik. In addition, they plan to lay off 10% of staff at their Seattle headquarters and reevaluate their approach to company-owned vessels. I guess my first question is, who do they...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 14, 2023

Permit sales this week included Bristol Bay drift at $132,000, on par with recent sales, Alaska hand troll at $7,000, down from recent sales at $8,000, and Kodiak Tanner under 60' at $45,000. We currently have Bristol Bay drift permits listed as low as $135,000 and our highest offer is $125,000. We have a Kodiak Tanner under 60' available at $55,000...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 14, 2023

The halibut and sablefish longline season ended at noon December 7. The final harvest numbers are as follows: The sablefish TAC was 60% harvested, with AI at 10%, BS at 62%, CG at 65%, SE at 81%, WG at 70%, and WY at 83%. The statewide halibut TAC was 85% harvested, with 2C at 88%, 3A at 91%, 3B at 91%, 4A at 66%, 4B at 40% and 4C/4D at 76%. See the full...
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This Week's Fish News

December 4, 2023

NMFS issued the final rule to implement Amendment 123, abundance-based management (ABM) of halibut in the Bering Sea. This will tie the Amendment 80 trawl sector's prohibited species catch limit for halibut to halibut abundance; in times of low abundance, A80 trawlers will have a lower bycatch limit than in times of high abundance. Until now, they've had a fixed limit of...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 4, 2023

Interest in quota has been very slow. Many halibut folks were waiting for information from the Interim Meeting (and some may wait for the Annual Meeting in January), and sablefish folks are awaiting the upcoming NPFMC meeting and catch limits. However, for those of you looking to make a move before the end of the year (taxes, anyone?) now is the time. Between the holidays, end of year...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 4, 2023

The Board of Fisheries met this week in Homer on Lower Cook Inlet issues. A meeting summary will be posted here soon. Many of the proposals concerning commercial fisheries pertained to hatchery management. Here's an interesting opinion piece on hatcheries penned by Malcolm Milne and Brian Ritchie, both Homer folks, representing the...
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Permits & State Fisheries

November 16, 2023

We continued to see increased interest in Kodiak Tanner permits this week. The under 60' permits are leasing at $9,000 and for sale starting at $58,000. Last season these permits were leasing for $12,000-$13,500 and sale prices hit $80,000. In case you missed...
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This Week's Fish News

November 16, 2023

The Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF) announced the winners of the 2024 Alaska Symphony of Seafood competition! Products include smoked sockeye nuggets, IPA beer battered pollock fillets, wild fish and sea cucumber crunchies, smoked black cod paté and more!
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

November 16, 2023

3A halibut quota continued to move this week at pretty low prices. A block of 1,300 pounds 3ACB sold at $25.00 fished. Meanwhile, many buyers have long since quit buying, and halibut in Homer last week fetched $3.00 for 10-15 pounders, $4.00 for 15-20 pounders, $4.25 for the 20-40 pounders, and...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

November 10, 2023

The IPHC has begun publishing results of the 2023 Fishery Independent Setline Survey (FISS) ahead of the upcoming Interim Meeting. Coastwide, the O32 WPUE (weight per unit effort of legal fish) is down 3% and the WPUE for all sizes is down 4%. The coastwide O32 NPUE (number of legal fish per unit effort) is down...
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This Week's Fish News

November 10, 2023

The Pacific Marine Expo wrapped up today. Anecdotally, attendance appeared to be lower than last year, and events seemed a little less lavish. It's almost like people have less money to spend or something? 🤔 Did you miss ASMI's All Hands on Deck last week? Check out...
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Permits & State Fisheries

November 10, 2023

Lots of news from ADFG this week! ADFG released the 2024 Westward region Tanner Guideline Harvest Levels (GHL). Kodiak gets 3 million pounds, down from 5.8 million last year, the South Peninsula gets 480,000 pounds, and Chignik will be closed. The total GHL of 3.48 million pounds is down by about half from last year's record harvest of...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

November 2, 2023

We saw continued interest in 3A halibut this week, with a sale today of 1,800 pounds 3ACB at $28.00, unfished. We've seen virtually no interest in sablefish quota recently, and no interest in halibut quota outside of 3A and 3B. The IPHC is starting to release data from their 2023 Fishery Independent Setline Survey (FISS). Although most of it is still preliminary and we won't have final numbers until later this week, the data...
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Permits & State Fisheries

November 2, 2023

Cook Inlet permits got quite a bit of attention this week, with two drift permit sales at $25,000 and more interested buyers. A power troll permit also sold this week at $22,000, on par with other recent sales. New offers include $132,000 for a Bristol Bay drift permit (down from last week's sale at $135,000, but on par with the sale before that at...
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This Week's Fish News

November 2, 2023

ASMI's All Hands on Deck kicked off today and runs through Saturday. If you can't attend in person, tune in online! The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly requested Governor Dunleavy declare an economic disaster for Cook Inlet east side setnetters. The Pacific Marine Expo is coming up! PME is held November 8-10 at Lumen Field in Seattle. Registration is free until the 7th, and goes up to $50.00 for same-day registrations. Doug and Maddie are headed down next week, so you really don't want to miss out!
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Permits & State Fisheries

October 27, 2023

Aside from Bristol Bay, permit prices generally dropped this week. We sold a Bristol Bay drift permit at $135,000 this week, which is up from the last sale at $132,000 two weeks ago, and our lowest asking prices are $150,000 for drift and $70,000 for setnet. In Cook Inlet, our lowest asking price for a drift permit is $26,000 and $15,000 for setnet. In PWS, our lowest...
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This Week's Fish News

October 27, 2023

ASMI put out a statement on the "extraordinary circumstances" the seafood industry is currently facing, detailing international and domestic pressures, geopolitical factors, and more. It's worth a read, but if you're looking for an answer to "when will this get better?" you won't find it there. The Center for Biological Diversity filed a formal notice of intent to sue NMFS for violations of the...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

October 27, 2023

Halibut quota continued to move this week. Last week, we sold 1,600 pounds of unfished 3ACB sold at $25.00/lb. This week, we sold 4,700 pounds fished 3ACB at $28.00/lb and 3,200 pounds 3BCB at $21.00/lb. These prices are remarkably low compared to the last few years, though, and some...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

October 20, 2023

Here's a quick market snapshot for you: 1,600 pounds of unfished 3ACB sold at $25.00/lb this week. This exact time last year, similar pieces were selling around $50.00/lb. We have fished 3A unblocked quota listed with an asking price of $34.00/lb. This same time last year, that was...
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This Week's Fish News

October 20, 2023

The Alaska Bycatch Advisory Council will hold a public meeting October 24 to provide updates on bycatch reduction efforts. Bycatch utilization is on the agenda, among other topics. Tune in on Zoom! On that note, if you've been struggling to understand the Western chum salmon bycatch issue, the factors at play, and the alternatives now on the table...
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Permits & State Fisheries

October 20, 2023

In Bristol Bay, another drift permit sold this week at $132,000, the same price as last week's sale, and we have an offer of $131,000; a setnet permit sold at $48,000, down quite a bit from pre-season sales in the $70,000 range. In Cook Inlet, drift permits are selling at...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

October 6, 2023

The quota market is almost at a full stop right now. Some fishermen are waiting to hear what the IPHC has to say at their interim meeting at the end of November. Many processors have quit buying for the season or plan to quit soon. It's going to be...
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Permits & State Fisheries

October 6, 2023

Permit activity was pretty steady this week, with increased interest in Kodiak seine permits (offers of $25,000, lowest asking price is $30,000), and Kodiak Tanner permits for the upcoming January season. We have a Tanner permit to 60' listed at $80,000 and a permit to...
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This Week's Fish News

October 6, 2023

Speaking of crab, here's "Everything You Need To Know About Alaska’s Red King Crab Fishery In 2024." And speaking of bycatch, NOAA Fisheries has $2.3 million available for collaborative bycatch reduction projects. The deadline to submit a pre-proposal is December 15. The deadline to apply for quota shares under the new Pacific Cod Trawl Cooperative Program is October 10...
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This Week's Fish News

September 28, 2023

The Gulf of Maine Institute puts on a 5-day educational program for each regional fishery management council, called the Marine Resource Education Program (MREP), which is free to attend for accepted applicants. The next one will be...
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Permits & State Fisheries

September 28, 2023

Permit activity was pretty steady this week, with increased interest in Kodiak seine permits (offers of $25,000, lowest asking price is $30,000), and Kodiak Tanner permits for the upcoming January season. We have a Tanner permit to 60' listed at $80,000 and a permit...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

September 28, 2023

Another slow week for the IFQ market. We have a few new listings for 3A halibut quota this week, and 30,000 pounds of unblocked CG listed at a new price of $7.50 (unfished). What're you guys seeing on the water this week? How do you think the season will end? Shoot me an email!
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

September 21, 2023

Heyooo, the quota market has a pulse! As with permits, the quota market typically starts to wake up sometime in late September or October after the summer lull. But, as with permits, the quota market certainly doesn't look "typical" right now. This week saw a couple 3A halibut quota sales, both at prices I'd consider record lows for the last...
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Permits & State Fisheries

September 21, 2023

Permit activity appears to be picking up. Typically, September is a slower month for permit sales, as fishermen seem to need a break from all things fishing after the summer season, and the market starts to gain momentum towards the end of the month and into October. Of course, this year...
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This Week's Fish News

September 21, 2023

Seafood News founder John Sackton wrote an interesting opinion piece on the critical affect of high interest rates on the seafood industry. I can't say it's particularly uplifting, but it's certainly worth a read. Heads up for Bristol Bay drift fishermen: BBRSDA is accepting applications for a non-resident board seat. Applications are...
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Permits & State Fisheries

September 14, 2023

Permit activity was relatively slow this week. We sold a 3A 6-angler charter halibut permit at $103,100, down from preseason sales in the $110,000-$120,000 range, and a Cook Inlet drift permit at $25,000, down from the last few sales at $28,000 last month. We have a...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

September 14, 2023

We continued to get quite a bit of fishing reports from longliners this week, and I want to share a big 'thank you' to everyone who has sent thoughts. And to everyone who hasn't: we can't be friends anymore. Kidding. But again, it's never too late...
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This Week's Fish News

September 14, 2023

In Japan, fishermen have filed a lawsuit to stop the disposal of treated nuclear waste water into the Pacific Ocean, arguing that it violates their fishing rights. Spurred by drastic cuts to haddock, hake, and cod quotas, a New England fisheries association is suing the federal government, challenging the quota cuts...
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This Week's Fish News

September 7, 2023

Heads up to longline and pot vessel owners: the electronic monitoring (EM) pool enrollment is open through November 1. Opting in allows you to skip carrying human observers and fish in more than one regulatory area per trip. Onboard cameras are installed on your vessel at no...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

September 7, 2023

Well, third time's the charm, apparently, because you guys DELIVERED this week (pun intended). Thank you so much to everyone who sent me their thoughts on the state of IFQ fisheries. (Side note: it's never too late, I'm always interested in hearing reports from...
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Permits & State Fisheries

September 7, 2023

Permit prices statewide are starting to shake out, or rather, shake down. Our lowest asking price for an Area M drift permit is now $135,000. Bristol Bay drift prices start at $140,000, with a current offer of $131,000. Southeast drift prices start at $55,000. We have a new offer of...
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This Week's Fish News

August 31, 2023

Governor Dunleavy has appointed Mike Porcaro as one of the two commissioners of the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC). Porcaro, an advertising consultant and talk show host, has no experience in the commercial fishing industry, which some view as...
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Permits & State Fisheries

August 31, 2023

If you're not ready to rub salt in your wounds, skip this next paragraph: University of Washington’s Fisheries Research Institute published their preliminary forecast for Bristol Bay's 2024 season and it's not great. They're predicting a total run of...
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IFQs and Federal Fisheries

August 31, 2023

Okay friends, I'm a little disappointed. Of the thousands of you reading this newsletter, not enough have reached out with thoughts on the IFQ fisheries. I know you're busy, you're fishing, you're burned out, but we really do want to hear what you're seeing on the grounds, what you think about the...
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IFQs and Federal Fisheries

August 24, 2023

IFQ activity is picking up slightly, with a sale of 3BBB at $26.00, and some interest in 3A quota. It's still not great, though. Some younger fishermen are seeing these depressed prices as a long-sought opportunity to get into the market. Unfortunately, it comes on the heels of...
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This Week's Fish News

August 24, 2023

The State of Alaska Division of Investments will be in Homer September 21-22 to help with new loan applications, loan extension applications, and answer any questions you have about...
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Permits & State Fisheries

August 24, 2023

Permits activity is picking up a bit, although permit values are continuing to drop. We sold a Bristol Bay drift permit this week at $130,000. Last year, those permits were selling around $260,000. Math is hard, but that's a pretty easy one to figure out. We have permits listed as low as...
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This Week's Fish News

August 17, 2023

National Fisherman named Alaska fishermen MJ Jackson and Matt Alward among their 2023 Highliners! We all know how much these two contribute to Alaska's fisheries. Thanks for all you do, and congrats on the recognition! The Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) and the Pacific Coast...
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Permits & State Fisheries

August 17, 2023

Permit activity remains pretty slow, as it usually is this time of year. Bristol Bay permits are moving at $140,000 this week. Our lowest asking price is currently $140,000 and our highest offer is $125,000. In the past, sales start to pick up...
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IFQs and Federal Fisheries

August 17, 2023

Alright, I've run out of creative things to say about the quota market and IFQ fisheries this week. So instead, why don't we switch things up a bit - how about YOU tell US what you think? Send us an email with your thoughts on the status of the fishery or the market, and we'll share some in upcoming...
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This Week's Fish News

August 11, 2023

Trident announced massive price cuts but, as Alaska Fish News points out, the value of salmon roe has skyrocketed in recent years. How does that factor into what fishermen get paid? Meanwhile, farmed salmon imports are up 10% from this time last year, and are ranging 11-23% higher than the 3-year average. Awesome. Recognizing that coming up with capital for fishing ...
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Permits & State Fisheries

August 11, 2023

As fishermen across the state are reeling from the low sockeye prices (no pun intended), Trident announced a $0.20 all-in statewide price for chums, and their intention to stop buying salmon almost entirely on September 1, effectively cutting short the fishing season. They'll continue...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

August 11, 2023

Halibut deliveries are picking back up, which has caused a decline in dock prices. In Homer, boats loaded with halibut have been stuck in the harbor waiting to deliver as buyers struggle to keep up. Yesterday, some deliveries...
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This Week's Fish News

July 20, 2023

The Homer City Council is holding a work session on the harbor expansion on Monday, July 24. If you're in the area and you care about the harbor project, join us! The USDA bought over $100 million in Alaska seafood this week, with OBI, Trident, and Peter Pan getting large purchase awards...
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Permits & State Fisheries

July 20, 2023

A Cook Inlet drift permit sold at $28,000 this week, on par with the last sale, but many expect those prices to creep up as strong reports from the fishing grounds continue to come in. Time will tell! We're starting to hear rumors of Bristol Bay drift permits selling at pretty low prices, but so far they're unconfirmed...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

July 20, 2023

The quota market is starting to show some signs of life (albeit small ones). Recent sales include unfished 3ACU at $38.00, the same price the last 3A unblocked sold for, and 4,900 pounds of fished 3ACB at $30.53. After factoring in the 18% cut in the catch limit for area 3A, these values are almost half of what 3A quota was worth last year...
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This Week's Fish News

January 27, 2023

Final reminder: for those of you with deckhands, 1099s must be postmarked by January 31! Governor Dunleavy addressed the Bycatch Review Task Force's recommendations in his State of the State speech, noting a need to sustain our fisheries and manage Alaska's fisheries for the...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

January 27, 2023

Hot off the press! The IPHC announced the new numbers and season dates for the 2023 halibut season this morning. The season will be open March 10 through December 7. Below are the commercial catch limits...
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Permits & State Fisheries

January 27, 2023

In permit news, we listed an Alaska power troll permit for $27,500, which is lower than recent sales; prices may be dropping because of the ongoing lawsuit to shut down the Chinook troll fishery. Bristol Bay drift permits continue to creep down in...
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This Week's Fish News

January 20, 2023

For those of you with deckhands, 1099s must be postmarked by January 31! Sunny Rice talks Alaska Sea Grant, fisheries, invasive species, and new projects on the horizon. If you don't know Sunny and the Sea Grant program, you're missing out! The Alaska Mariculture Cluster recently received $49 million from the feds. Here's how they plan to spend it...
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Permits & State Fisheries

January 20, 2023

In permit news: we have a cash offer of $180,000 for a Bristol Bay drift permit. So far, sellers haven't been willing to go that low - most of our sellers have either countered or declined. We sold a PWS herring seine permit at $15,000 this week, and we still have...
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IFQ's and Federal Fisheries

January 20, 2023

We're headed down to Victoria, BC, for the IPHC Annual Meeting, which kicks off on Monday. At this point, it's really anyone's guess as to what the Commission will do with regards to catch limits. There seems to be a push, primarily from Area 3 stakeholders, for a conservative approach...
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Permits & State Fisheries

January 13, 2023

In permit news: we sold a Bristol Bay setnet permit for $78,000 this week, up from the previous sale at $65,000 before the 2022 season. We currently have 16 Bristol Bay drift permits listed for sale; our lowest posted asking price is $194,000. Our most recent sales...
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IFQ's & Federal Fisheries

January 13, 2023

Quota interest is starting to pick up, we sold unfished CGCU at $9.50 on 2023 TAC this week, but there's still little excitement. Members of the IPHC Conference Board are working diligently to come up with suggestions for 2023 catch limits, which has...
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This Week's Fish News

January 13, 2023

Ayoooo it's tax time! If you make at least 2/3 of your money fishing, don't forget to pay your estimated tax for 2022 by January 17. If you do not pay your estimated tax by January 17, you must file your return and pay all tax due by March 1 to avoid a penalty...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 23, 2022

If you missed the NPFMC meeting this month, check out their December newsletter here. The next big item on everyone's radar is the upcoming IPHC Annual Meeting, held in Victoria, BC, January 23-27, when the halibut TAC will be set. We'll be there, will you?
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This Week's Fish News

December 23, 2022

NMFS Financial Services Division is looking for a new Loan Specialist, a position which can be held in Juneau, AK, Seattle, WA, or Lacey, WA, and can be done via telework up to four days per week. If you work in finance and you're looking for...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 23, 2022

In permit news: we sold a Cook Inlet drift permit at $35,000 this week, up from the last sale about a week ago at $32,500, making it the highest sale price of the year. A PWS drift permit sold at $103,000 this week, up from sales around...
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This Week's Fish News

December 16, 2022

The State of Alaska is working on requesting an Economic Injury Disaster declaration from the Small Business Administration, for businesses affected by the federal crab closures. This would allow the SBA to offer low interest Economic Injury Disaster Loans. But, in order to do so...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 16, 2022

In permit news: we sold a Bristol Bay drift permit for $190,000 this week, down from the previous sale at $196,000. Our lowest asking price is $200,000, and while we don't currently have any posted offers, there is quite a bit of...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 16, 2022

For those of you who lean towards procrastination, you have a few days left to cram in a cash quota purchase before RAM stops processing quota transfers for the season. They'll pick back up again in February or March...
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This Week's Fish News

December 9, 2022

Erik Velsko, a Bering Sea and Bristol Bay fisherman, Homer resident, and previous NPFMC AP member, wrote a knockout opinion piece on bycatch, MSA, and federal fisheries management policy. It's well written, he doesn't...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 9, 2022

In permit news: we sold a 3A 5-angler charter halibut permit at $85,000 this week, down from the previous sale of a 5-angler permit at $95,000 before the season. The NPFMC will issue a...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 9, 2022

Congratulations! You made it through the end of the halibut and black cod season. Overall, the commercial fleet caught 86% of the halibut TAC, landing 17,539,060 pounds (excluding CDQ landings), and 74% of ...
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This Week's Fish News

December 2, 2022

The EPA issued its Recommended Determination today, the next step in the process to (hopefully) enact permanent protections for Bristol Bay salmon using the Clean Water Act. This is big news, and the farthest...
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Permits & State Fisheries

December 2, 2022

In permit news: a Bristol Bay drift permit sold this week at $196,000, down from last week's sale at $200,000 and $205,000 the week before. Our lowest current asking price is...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

December 2, 2022

If you missed it, IPHC published the survey modeling (graphs) last month, and none of them looked good. The numbers (NPUE) of halibut are down 8% coastwide, the weight for legal fish (O32 WPUE) is down 18% coastwide and the...
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This Week's Fish News

November 11, 2022

In their second-to-last meeting on Monday, the Alaska Bycatch Review Task Force (ABRT) declined to pass a recommendation to redefine pelagic trawl gear as bottom trawl gear, given recent data showing that pelagic trawl gear spends...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

November 11, 2022

A small piece of 2CCB sold at $52.00 fished, this week, and a low offer of $40.00 per pound for 3A unblocked was declined by the seller. Otherwise, the market remains slow. The IPHC released their raw survey data...
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Permits & State Fisheries

November 11, 2022

In permit news: we sold a Bristol Bay drift permit at $205,000 this week, which is the lowest sale we're aware of post 2022 season. In fact, this is the lowest permits have been since about...
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This Week's Fish News

November 4, 2022

Election day is Tuesday, November 8. If you fish (or live) anywhere in Alaska, these elections affect you. If you'll be out fishing or won't be able to vote in person on Tuesday, make sure to vote early...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

November 4, 2022

The quota market is still stagnant. As the season wraps up, many fishermen have already called it quits for the year and others are still scratching out the last of their pounds, racing against the weather. The IPHC Interim Meeting is coming up...
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Permits & State Fisheries

November 4, 2022

Permit sales are picking up after a slow fall. A Cook Inlet drift permit sold at $30,000 this week, the same as the previous sale two weeks ago. We sold a PWS herring seine permit at...
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Permits & State Fisheries

October 28, 2022

The biggest state fisheries news this week was ADFG's monster GHL for the 2023 Kodiak Tanner fishery: 5.8 million pounds for Kodiak, 400,000 pounds for Chignik, and 1.1 million pounds for the Southern Peninsula. That's a lot of Tanners! In fact...
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This Week's Fish News

October 28, 2022

ALFA's Virtual Fall Expo is set for November 9. Maddie will be presenting on the permit and quota systems, and buying and selling permits, quota and vessels. Other topics include...
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IFQs & Federal Fisheries

October 28, 2022

There's no two ways around it: the quota market is SLOW. Sellers are dropping their asking prices, but buyers aren't taking the bait. The market is flooded with both halibut and sablefish quota of...
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Boat Buying 101 - FREE Workshop!

September 29, 2022

We've teamed up with Northwest Farm Credit Services and Sea-Mountain Insurance to offer a FREE workshop on purchasing, financing, and insuring your next commercial fishing vessel!
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NPFMC Sets 2022 Catch Limits

December 10, 2021

Fisheries are driven by numbers and there will be more ups than downs in 2022 catches for Alaska fishermen based on poundages set by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council. The NPFMC is a federal advisory...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

November 5, 2021

It’s a fish trifecta for Alaska’s 2021 salmon season! The fishery produced the third highest catch, fish poundage and value on record dating back to 1975. According to preliminary harvests and values by region from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

June 25, 2021

Governor Mike Dunleavy is the “decider” for winners and losers in Alaska’s salmon season as the state careens towards a shutdown on July 1 due to no budget. As salmon fisheries swell, pink slips are in the hands of 15,000 state workers, including hundreds...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

June 11, 2021

Alaskans who are engaged in or interested in mariculture are invited to become founding members in a new group that will advance the growing industry across the state. The newly formed Alaska Mariculture Alliance (AMA) is a private non-profit successor...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

June 4, 2021

Eager buyers are awaiting Alaska salmon from fisheries that are opening almost daily across the state and it’s easy to track catches and market trends for every region. Fishery managers forecast a statewide catch topping...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

May 28, 2021

Alaskan interest in growing kelp continues to outpace that of shellfish, based on applications filed during the annual window that runs from January through April. The number of 2021applicants dropped to just...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

May 22, 2021

Grundens is using recycled plastics from old fishing gear for a new line of rugged casual wear, and the first batch contains contributions from Cordova. Grundens, whose motto is “We are fishing,” is the go-to brand for outer wear and foul-weather gear for mariners around the world. The company, which originated in...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

May 20, 2021

Fishing for shellfish in Prince William Sound has been hit and miss this spring, with the Tanner crab fishery catch down significantly, but the pot shrimp fishery experiencing good catches and hot sales so far. The Cordova Times reports that...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

May 14, 2021

Alaska’s lone seafood marketing arm gets zero budget from the state and to date, has received no pandemic funds. The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute is hoping to get a breather from the more than $1 billion coming to Alaska in the latest round of federal relief dollars under the...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

May 13, 2021

Togiak herring got off to a slow start last week working on a record quota of 47,300 tons, in spite of increased participation, according to KDLG Public Radio in Dillingham. Ten seiners showed up for the season, along with ...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

May 6, 2021

Alaska seafood has been getting a lot of national attention lately, and while the pandemic has been a struggle for many fishermen, it has been something of a boon for marketers. Third generation Alaska fisherman Hannah Heimbuch got her star turn on...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

April 30, 2021

The budget for Alaska’s commercial fisheries division is facing no cuts for the upcoming fiscal year, assuming the current numbers make it through the Legislature. “The governor's proposed budget is at about $72.8 million, which is a slight increase from...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

April 29, 2021

NOAA Fisheries has been pushing back against what it calls “disinformation” about a picture circulating on social media lately of two orca whales taken as bycatch in a trawl net in Alaska. They don't dispute that the photo is real, or say that...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

April 23, 2021

Are toxins from road runoff a threat to salmon in Anchorage’s most popular fishing streams? A Go Fund Me campaign has been launched so Alaskans can chip in to find out. The push stems from an organic...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

April 22, 2021

When the pandemic struck last year, some were calling for the State to shut down the Bristol Bay salmon season to avoid bringing thousands of workers from out of state into the small community of Dillingham to keep from overwhelming the limited health care system. Instead, processors spent millions quarantining...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

April 16, 2021

“Insatiable” is the word being used to describe the demand for snow crab as the world’s largest fishery got underway on April 5 at Eastern Canada. And while more snow crab will be available this year, buyers expect a tight supply. Global seafood supplier...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

April 15, 2021

The halibut season is off to a slow start in Homer, with so few deliveries that National Marine Fisheries Service doesn't list the landings because of privacy concerns. What landings have taken place on the Kenai Peninsula have been in Seward, which has seen 172,674 pounds delivered as of Monday. Even Kodiak, which...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

April 9, 2021

Alaska fishermen displaced by the Covid pandemic are being recruited for seafaring jobs aboard U.S. cargo barges, tankers, towboats, military support vessels, research and cruise ships and more...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

April 8, 2021

Tribes in Bristol Bay are collecting signatures to push the Alaska congressional delegation to provide permanent protection for the area through federal regulation. On their website, United Tribes of Bristol Bay say that there are two things that need to happen to...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

April 2, 2021

The mask requirement for all persons aboard fishing vessels still stands and Alaska’s U.S. Senators are adding their clout to have it removed.
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

March 27, 2021

It’s “back to the future” for Alaska canned salmon as more Americans choose it for its health benefits and as an easy-to-use ingredient for sandwiches, salads and more. Salmon canning in Alaska started in...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

March 25, 2021

After dealing with the closure of several processing plants in Dutch Harbor and Akutan due to COVID-19 outbreaks, Bering Sea crab fishermen now have to manage another costly and time-consuming problem: not enough fuel in St. Paul in the Pribilof Islands. By regulation under the...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

March 19, 2021

Halibut prices for Alaska fishermen for 2021 started out significantly higher than last year, despite sluggish demand and transportation logjams in some regions. The Pacific halibut fishery opened...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

March 18, 2021

It is pretty much old news that 2020 was not a great year for salmon in Alaska. Catches were down, prices took a hit due to the pandemic and fish didn't do what they were supposed to as climate change reared its ugly head. This year is looking better, largely due...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

March 12, 2021

Alaska’s salmon harvest for 2021 is projected to be a big one with total catches producing a haul that could be 61% higher than last year, due mostly to an expected surge of pinks. Fishery managers are predicting ...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

March 11, 2021

Alaska fisherman, doctor and former candidate for U.S. Senate Al Gross wrote an op-ed in the Anchorage Daily News on Monday proposing trading the land under the Pebble Mine prospect to the federal government for protection in exchange for extending state waters out to12 miles, from the current 3 miles. Gross argued that...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

March 5, 2021

It’s likely that no other fishing regions of the world reach out for stakeholder input as much as Alaska does to gather policy-shaping ground truth by state and federal managers and organizations. That’s demonstrated by two...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

March 4, 2021

For fishermen waiting to receive their halibut and sablefish IFQ permits in the mail as usual, the National Marine Fisheries Service is no longer sending them out. Fishermen have to...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

February 26, 2021

The Pacific halibut fishery opens on March 6 and increased catch limits combined with a cautiously optimistic outlook for the near future have fanned interest in buying shares of the popular fish. In January, the International Pacific Halibut Commission...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

February 25, 2021

The International Pacific Halibut Commission is seeking information from the past two years about the financial impact of COVID-19 in a trio of surveys for the commercial, processing and charter sectors. In a press statement, the IPHC stated “In order to...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

February 20, 2021

Alaskans are preparing for another salmon season of poor to average runs to most regions. The big exception once again is at Bristol Bay where another massive return of more than 51 million sockeyes is expected. Managers predict that...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

February 18, 2021

The global COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc in the fishing industry with processors continuing to pay tens of millions of dollars in related costs, the largest processing plant in North America being shut down for weeks, and the Coast Guard issuing...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

February 13, 2021

Fishermen must wear masks while they are underway, even while sleeping, and the Coast Guard intends to enforce it. That’s an edict issued as a public health emergency by the Center for Disease Control in...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

February 11, 2021

The North Pacific Fisheries Management Council is struggling with how to deal with three strong year classes of sablefish that are being caught in the directed fishery that are too small to be of much value but must be...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

February 6, 2021

“Eye-popping” seafood sales continue; One Alaska king salmon is worth the same as two barrels of oil...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

February 4, 2021

The International Pacific Halibut Commission held their 97th annual meeting this week, and voted to increase the quota in all areas of Alaska. The quotas in Alaska have mostly been going down for several years, with area 3A, the largest area in...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

January 29, 2021

Pacific halibut harvesters got some rare good news last week: increased catches in 2021 along with a longer fishing season. At its annual meeting that ended on January 25, the International Pacific Halibut Commission boosted the coastwide removals for 2021 to 39 million pounds, a 6.53% increase over...
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2021 Pacific Halibut Catch Limits

January 29, 2021

The IPHC voted this morning on the final catch limits for the 2021 Pacific halibut fishery. Here are the catch limits for the directed commercial fishery and the TCEY (Total Constant Exploitable Yield), or the total mortality from all sources for halibut over 26" for 2021.
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

January 28, 2021

The Canadian government is phasing out all of the open net pen salmon farms in the Discovery Islands in British Columbia over the next 18 months, under pressure from the First Nations, according to multiple news sources. Seafood Source reports that the mandate...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

January 22, 2021

New ocean-related jobs, investments and opportunities will be seeded by an ambitious Blue Pipeline Venture Studio that connects marine business entrepreneurs with the technology, contacts and finances they need to grow. “The state's blue economy includes anything that takes...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

January 21, 2021

Trawl fishermen targeting pollock in the Gulf of Alaska have collectively agreed to stand down from the January 20 start of the fishery in order to target the fish in their more lucrative phase of harvesting the roe, instead of the flesh of the fish which is used more in...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

January 15, 2021

The single biggest hit to fishermen from the Covid-19 virus is lower dock prices, according to Alaska and West Coast harvesters, and 98% said their businesses have been badly bashed by the pandemic. That’s based on survey results compiled...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

January 13, 2021

The Sitka Tribe of Alaska has won a second lawsuit challenging the State of Alaska's assertion that they are providing “reasonable opportunity” for subsistence harvest of herring roe in an ongoing battle pitting seiners and ADF&G against the Tribe. The latest ruling...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

January 12, 2021

Is it a coincidence that one of the world’s largest mineral deposits is located near the world’s largest sockeye salmon spawning grounds at Bristol Bay? And if the likes of a Pebble Mine removed the bulk of those deep deposits that also create the world’s magnetic field, could it...
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2021 Sablefish TAC Increases in All Areas

December 14, 2020

After a week of meetings, the NPFMC voted Thursay and Friday to adopt the recommended ABC, resulting in increases to the 2021 sablefish TAC of 25% across the GOA, 82% in BS, and 131% in AI. While the Council suggested that the science supports an increased catch, stakeholder concerns about the...
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Historical Sablefish Ex-Vessel Values 2001-2020

December 4, 2020

Below are ex-vessel values of sablefish over the last 20 years. These values do not represent seasonal highs, lows, or averages, rather they are a snapshot of prices midseason for each year. Do you have prices or data to share? Email us at [email protected]. We appreciate being able to...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

November 24, 2020

Upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon fishermen are alarmed at a proposal to eliminate commercial salmon fishing in the Exclusive Economic Zone, all salt-water areas beyond three miles, in the Inlet. The North Pacific Fisheries Management Council has been tasked with overseeing management of...
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Seawatch by Cristy Fry

November 17, 2020

Bristol Bay is looking at a smaller sockeye season for 2021, but still in respectable territory. The projected run of 51 million sockeye would allow for a potential total harvest of 37.4 million fish in Bristol Bay and 1 million fish in the South Peninsula fisheries. That would put...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

September 29, 2020

Some surprising results are revealed in the first of a series of briefing papers showing how Alaska’s seafood industry has been affected by the pandemic from dock to dinner plates. The updates, compiled by the McDowell Group for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute...
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Fish Factor by Laine Welch

September 15, 2020

Bering Sea crabbers will soon know how much they can pull up in their pots for the upcoming season that opens October 15. This week the Crab Plan Team, advisers to state and federal fishery managers who jointly manage the fisheries, will review stock assessments and other science used to...
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