Alright, I've run out of creative things to say about the quota market and IFQ fisheries this week. So instead, why don't we switch things up a bit - how about YOU tell US what you think? Send us an email with your thoughts on the status of the fishery or the market, and we'll share some in upcoming Fish Tickets! (Let us know if you'd like to remain anonymous.)
NMFS announced a ban on directed jig fishing for Pcod in the Western Gulf through the end of the year in order to avoid going over the TAC.
The October NPFMC will focus on crab, groundfish, and salmon bycatch issues. They'll hear the Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) report for BSAI crab, and set the acceptable biological catch (ABC) and overfishing limits (OFL) for Bering Sea red king crab, tanner crab, snow crab, and Pribilof Island blue king crab. For BSAI and GOA groundfish, they'll evaluate proposed specifications, Plan Team reports, and a GOA rockfish discussion paper. Also on the agenda: preliminary review of chum salmon bycatch; vessel caps in Area 4; crab facility use caps; IFQ program and BSAI crab program reviews; Bering Sea Local Knowledge/Traditional Knowledge/Subsistence (LKTKS) implementation; and more. The meeting runs October 2-11 in Anchorage and online. The comment period opens September 9 and closes September 29.
On that note, don't forget that the NPFMC is accepting nominations for the Advisory Panel! The AP is an advisory committee to the Council, currently comprised of 19 members. If you're interested in applying, click here. Deadline is October 31.
The statewide sablefish TAC is 42% harvested, with AI at 5%, BS at 33%, CG at 46%, SE at 55%, WG at 49%, and WY at 67%. The statewide halibut TAC is 50% harvested, with 2C at 62%, 3A at 56%, 3B at 51%, 4A at 34%, 4B at 27% and 4C/4D at 17%. See the full report here.
By port, at 1.7 million pounds, Homer is so far ahead in halibut landings they can't see second place. Seward is at 954,000, and Kodiak is at 946,338. Seward is #1 for sablefish deliveries at 4.6 million pounds, with Kodiak in second at 3 million and Seward in third at 1.8 million. Full breakdown here.
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